Government Jobs In Pakistan

Irrigation Division Jobs in Swat 2024 – Apply Now

Recent job postings have been published in the Irrigation Division of Swat. We are currently accepting applications from qualified individuals for vacant positions in Irrigation Division 1 Swat. Interested applicants must submit their applications with supporting certifications by the specified deadline. Applicants of either gender are eligible to register for these newly created government positions in KPK. After completing the application process, these positions in Pakistan may be secured by the successful candidates.

Details About Irrigation Division Jobs in Swat:

Hiring OrganisationIrrigation Division
Jobs LocationSwat
Education RequirementsMatric /Inter
NewspaperExpress. Jang
AddressIrrigation Division, Swat, KPK

Benefits of Irrigation Division Jobs in Swat:

  • Contribution to Agriculture: The agricultural sector in Swat is of considerable magnitude, with irrigation division positions serving a vital function in the effective management of water resources utilized for cultivation operations. Engaging in this profession enables individuals to make a direct impact on the agricultural output and economic development of the region.
  • Job Stability: Irrigation Division positions frequently offer dependable employment prospects, especially in agriculturally dependent areas such as Swat. Consistent demand for specialized labor is ensured by the maintenance of irrigation systems, dams, canals, and other water management infrastructure that these positions support.
  • Professional Growth: Employment in the irrigation division provides prospects for individuals to acquire specialized proficiencies in the fields of engineering, water management, hydrology, and irrigation infrastructure maintenance. These competencies are valuable and transferable across numerous water resources management-related industries.
  • Community Impact: The prosperity of rural communities in Swat and the sustenance of producers as a whole is dependent on efficient water management. The labor force engaged in irrigation division positions exerts a tangible influence on the enhancement of food security, the promotion of agricultural productivity, and the improvement of the local populace’s standard of living.
  • Environmental Conservation: Environmental conservation is facilitated through the implementation of appropriate irrigation practices, which in addition to supporting agricultural activities, mitigate water wastage, prevent soil erosion, and encourage sustainable land utilization. Individuals who hold positions in the irrigation division can contribute to initiatives that safeguard natural resources and alleviate the consequences of climate change.
  • Government Employment Advantages: A considerable number of irrigation division positions are provided by governmental agencies or departments, which furnish workers with a range of benefits including healthcare coverage, employment security, training and promotion prospects, and retirement plans.
  • Professional Networking: Irrigation division employment provides the opportunity to network with experts from government agencies, engineering, environmental science, and agriculture, among other relevant disciplines. Developing relationships within the industry can result in opportunities for collaboration, the exchange of knowledge, and professional advancement.
  • Infrastructure Development Contribution: Swat, similar to numerous other regions, necessitates continuous infrastructure development to accommodate its expanding economy and population. Irrigation division employees are instrumental in the management, construction, and upkeep of water infrastructure initiatives that have far-reaching advantages for the entire community.

Check Also: Supreme Court of Azad Kashmir Jobs 2024 – Apply Now

Name of Posts:

  • Canal Inspector
  • Gaje Reader

Application Process:

  • The appointment process will comply with the prevailing policy of the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Government. Employees of the government and semi-government organizations must submit applications through their respective departments. Age restriction exemptions will be granted by current government regulations.
  • Applications that are delayed or incomplete will not be considered. Candidates who have obtained additional qualifications and possess pertinent experience will be given preference. The vacancy for which an applicant is applying must be specified in the application.
  • None of the shortlisted candidates will receive correspondence regarding the test or interview, and travel expenses will not be covered. Additional inquiries may be directed to the office during standard business hours.

More Info

  1. What is the irrigation department in Pakistan?

    The Irrigation Department is committed to assuring sufficient water for irrigated agriculture through the building of small dams that preserve flood water and the development of new irrigation (flow/lift) schemes to satisfy the province’s food and fiber demands.

  2. What is the salary of irrigation department?

    The average salary of an entry-level irrigation engineer (1-3 years of experience) is Rs 1,686,477. On the other hand, the mean salary of a senior-level irrigation engineer (with eight or more years of experience) is Rs 2,951,336. Data supplied by the Salary Expert Database of ERI.

  3. What is the irrigation duty?

    The term “duty” means the land area that is capable of being irrigated using a particular amount of irrigation water, or, in hectares, the land area that can be irrigated via a unit discharge of 1 m3/s over a base period of days. It is indicated in ha/m3s.

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