Pak Army

Join Pak Army After Matric 2024 – Apply Now

This representation of patriotism and national pride appeals to young people who want to serve their country while wearing the Pakistan Army uniform. Upon completing matriculation, enlisting in the Pakistan Army signifies more than just a vocational decision; it embodies a steadfast dedication to safeguarding the nation and maintaining its reputation.

This exhaustive guide aims to shed light on the process of joining the Pak Army after completing the Matriculation level, offering insights into the wide range of opportunities that are accessible to individuals of all genders.

Check Also: Pak Army Jobs 2024 – Apply Online

Opportunities After Matric

After completing their matriculation, individuals who aspire to join the Pakistan Army may consider the following options:

1. Soldier

Enlisting as a combatant in the Pakistan Army signifies a profound display of commitment towards the protection and defense of one’s nation. To qualify for this position, you must satisfy the following requirements:

  • Gender: Male
  • Age: 17-23 years
  • Height: 5 feet 6 inches

We strongly advocate for young, enthusiastic Pakistanis to contemplate enlisting in the military, as it allows them to devotedly serve their country. For prospective opportunities, remain vigilant for advertisements in newspapers and on the official Army website.

2. Armed Forces Nursing Service (AFNS)

Females who have satisfactorily completed FSC Pre-Medical with a minimum of 50% and matriculate science (biology) with at least 60% are eligible to apply for the Armed Forces Nursing Service. This position provides the opportunity for women to work as nurses for the Pakistan Army.

Eligibility criteria for AFNS:

  • Marital Status: Unmarried Female, Separated Divorcee, or Widow
  • Nationality: Pakistani National
  • Height: 5 feet 2 inches (157.5 cm)
  • Weight: According to the Body Mass Index (BMI),

3. Civilian Jobs

Applicants with a Matriculation Certificate may apply for a variety of civilian positions with the Pakistan Army. Periodically, newspapers advertise these positions; therefore, maintaining current information is essential for securing one of these roles. The following are examples of available civilian jobs:

  • Army mess in-charge
  • Cook
  • Clerk
  • Telephone supervisor
  • Plumber
  • Driver
  • Technician
  • Lineman
  • Fixer
  • Sanitary worker
  • Draftsperson

Benefits to Join Pak Army After Matric

  • Employment Security: Employment in the Pakistan Army is characterized by stability and security, while prospects for professional growth are contingent upon one’s performance and merit.
  • The area of training and development: The army’s extensive training programs aid in the development of discipline, leadership, physical fitness, and technical expertise. This training has the potential to be extraordinarily beneficial for individual development.
  • Educational Prospects: The Pakistan Army frequently offers scholarly prospects for advanced research, encompassing specialized curricula, degrees, and diplomas. This may increase your credentials and facilitate career advancement opportunities within or beyond the military.
  • Promising Compensation and Benefits: In addition to competitive wages, the Pakistan Army provides a range of supplementary provisions, including housing, healthcare, retirement programs, and housing allowances.
  • Expeditions and Exposure: Active military service frequently entails journeys and encounters with various regions and cultures within Pakistan, allowing personnel to expand their knowledge and acquire a wide range of experiences.
  • Respect and Prestige: Participating in the Pakistan Army is regarded as a prestigious and esteemed vocation, garnering societal and communal esteem.
  • Potential Areas for Specialization: Individuals can select specializations and career trajectories that correspond with their aptitudes and interests, including engineering, medicine, information technology, intelligence, or combat positions.
  • Solidarity and Companionship: Serving in the armed forces cultivates a robust sense of collaboration, companionship, and solidarity among comrades, resulting in the formation of enduring connections and alliances.
  • Making an Impact on National Security: Active military service provides individuals with the opportunity to directly contribute to the defense and security of the nation, thereby fulfilling a vital function in protecting the nation’s interests.
  • Optimal Retirement Benefits: Individuals who complete their military service may qualify for retirement benefits, pensions, and additional privileges, which guarantee their financial stability afterward.

Registration Process to Join Pak Army After Matric

Commencing the process of enlisting in the Pakistan Army is a simple undertaking. Two options are available for registration:

  • Online Registration: To complete the registration procedure, please visit the official Army website.
  • For in-person registration, an alternative option is to personally visit the Army Selection and Recruitment Center (AS&RC) located in your vicinity.

After successfully registering, you will be notified via email of the specific date of the examination. It is essential to be punctual for the preliminary examination, as the precise time and date will be explicitly written down on your computerized registration number slip. Attend the AS&RC in person for the completion of any additional registration procedures.

After completing the necessary tests and interviews, eligible candidates will be extended an official invitation to join the Pakistan Army through a formal phone call or letter.

More Info


Joining the Pakistan Army after completing matriculation represents not only a vocational decision but also a steadfast dedication to safeguarding the integrity of one’s nation. The Pakistan Army, being among the most formidable armed forces globally, provides an opportunity for those in search of exceptional performance, thrilling experiences, and a meaningful existence.

The opportunity to join the Pakistan Armed Forces is a realization of a patriotic aspiration for all individuals. Bear in mind that you are not merely undertaking a professional endeavor; rather, you are dedicating your entire existence to the betterment of the country. Your post-matriculation decision to enlist in the Pakistan Army serves as evidence of your steadfast devotion to Pakistan and your resolve to ensure its security.

  1. Can I join the Pakistan Army at 15?

    Pakistani citizens can enlist for voluntary military service upon reaching 16 years of age, but cannot be deployed for combat until the age of 18 by the Constitution of Pakistan.

  2. Can we join the army after graduating? 

    Only males who have passed their matriculation can apply for the position of soldier in the Pakistan Army. If you want to know how females can join the Pak Army, then this is it!

  3. Can I join the Pakistan Army after A-levels?

    Yes, you can. After A-Levels, I mean Visit or for more details.

Hassan Khan

Hello, I'm Hassan Khan, a dedicated Professor at GC University in Lahore, specializing in the field of Career Counseling. With a passion for guiding and empowering the younger generation, I actively engage in initiatives aimed at assisting them in finding rewarding career opportunities and educational programs.

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