Jobs in Pakistan

AirSial Jobs in Karachi 2024 – Apply Online

AirSial issued a press release regarding this latest employment opportunity. This AirSial Jobs advertisement was obtained from the organization’s official website,

Airsial is seeking individuals who are experienced, knowledgeable, and talented. Those seeking employment in Airsial are presented with a golden opportunity due to the company’s competitive compensation, medical facilities, housing, and benefits. Interested parties may submit applications for the Marketing Executive and Cabin Crew positions. Applicants must submit their applications for these positions before the specified deadline.

Details About AirSial Jobs in Karachi:

Job Type:Full Time
Organization:AirSial Limited
Salary Package:PKR, 35,000 – 50,000.est

Vacant Positions:

  • Marketing Executive
  • Cabin Crew

Check Also: Medical Staff Jobs in Karachi 2024 – Apply Now

Eligibility Criteria for Airsial Jobs:

Gender Required:Males and Females are eligible
Skills Required:Marketing, Administration
Age limit:Minimum age: 30 Years
Maximum age: 35 Years
Education Required:Bachelors / Master’s
Experience Required:Minimum: 01 Year
Maximum: 02 Years
Marital Status:Both Single/unmarried are eligible.

Physical Measurement Required for Airsial Cabin Crew Jobs:

Weight:As per BMI required to apply.
Height:Minimum 5 Feet and 3 Inches height required (Estimated)

Benefits of AirSial Jobs in Karachi:

  • Career Growth Opportunities: AirSial provides a diverse range of career advancement prospects within the aviation industry, encompassing positions such as cabin personnel, flight operations, ground handling, maintenance, and administration. Opportunities for professional growth and skill enhancement are provided to employees within the organization.
  • Competitive Compensation: AirSial customarily provides competitive remuneration and benefits packages to both attract and retain competent personnel. Health insurance, retirement plans, travel benefits, and performance bonuses are a few examples.
  • Training and Development: The airline allocates resources toward employee training and development initiatives to furnish personnel with the essential competencies and understanding required to execute their responsibilities securely and efficiently.
  • Travel Benefits: AirSial, as an employer, may offer its staff complimentary or discounted travel privileges, enabling them to reach domestic and international destinations at reduced fares.
  • Job Stability: While the aviation sector is susceptible to volatility, employment with a reputable airline such as AirSial can provide a degree of job stability that is in comparison to certain alternative industries. Despite market challenges, airlines generally endeavor to uphold operational consistency.
  • Work-Life Balance: To accommodate employees’ personal and leisure obligations alongside their professional duties, AirSial may provide flexible work schedules for select positions.
  • Diverse Work Environment: An inclusive and dynamic work environment is fostered by AirSial’s employment of individuals with a wide range of skill sets and origins. This diversity enables employees to gain knowledge from one another and establish meaningful professional relationships.
  • Wellness Programs for Employees: To promote the physical and mental health of its staff, the airline may provide wellness programs and initiatives for its employees, including health screenings, counseling services, and fitness courses.
  • Employee Recognition: AirSial potentially implements employee recognition initiatives to quantify and incentivize exceptional performance, commitment, and contributions that contribute to the overall success of the organization.
  • Contribution to the Aviation Industry: Employees of AirSial have the opportunity to participate in the aviation sector and make a positive impact on air travel safety and efficiency. Their efforts contribute to the advancement of economic development and connectivity, both domestically in Pakistan and internationally.

Salary Package:

  • Minimum Monthly Salary: 35,000 PKR (EST.)
  • Maximum Monthly Salary: 50,000 PKR (EST.)

How to Apply for AirSial Jobs:

Interested candidates who meet the aforementioned eligibility requirements must then submit an online application through the AirSial website (

More Info

Step-by-Step Guide:

Step 1: Find AirSial’s Career Page

Commence by conducting a Google search for “AirSial Career.” This link will take you to the official AirSial page that lists available positions. The link will take you to this page.

Step 2: Select a Position

Once on the AirSial Career Page, numerous open positions will be displayed. Select the one for which you wish to register. This is your opportunity to demonstrate interest in a particular position.

Terms and Conditions:

  • Incomplete applications or those received after the deadline will not be taken into consideration.
  • Online-only applications will be taken into consideration for the selection process.
  • Only those who have been shortlisted will be invited to an interview.
  • Interviewees are requested to have the authentic documents with them.

AirSial Jobs Advertisement:

AirSial Jobs
AirSial Jobs
  1. Is AirSial a good airline?

    AirSial runs out of Pakistan. The average rating provided by frequent travelers to this airline is 7.4 out of 10.

  2. Where is the AirSial head office in Karachi?

    Ground Floor, IEP Building 177/ 2 Liaqat Barracks, Shahrah E Faisal, Karachi.

  3. What is the salary of cabin crew in Pakistan?

    In Pakistan, the typical yearly wage for a Cabin Crew Member is PKR 585,000, indicating a 2% increase over the PIA average of PKR 570,000 for the same position.

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